Welcome to the nCODE Lab! We are a computational neuroscience group interested in studying brain information processing under the principles of neural networks and information theory with the aims of better understanding how

  • Pathological activity is originated, sustained, and propagated during neurological diseases.
  • External and internally generated information is encoded and transmitted across brain areas during the execution of cognitive tasks.

Our research mainly relies on the analysis and modelling of electrophysiological recordings (spike trains, local field potentials, intracranial EEG) and behavioural/clinical data during cognitive tasks and pathological events using a combination of information-theoretic methods, network science, statistical models and machine learning. We also have a strong emphasis on technology transfer developing applications for clinical use, specially in the context of drug-resistant epilepsy surgery.


  • Feb 25: New awarded national grant for a 2-year project on Neuromodulation for drug-resistant epilepsy.
  • Jan 25: New preprint available on the Study of epilepsy pre-seizure biomarkers.